11/11 The Magdalene's Blue Rose Transmission

I have felt tremendous release and a new balance within me since the fall equinox, and now with the completion of this full moon cycle. I know each of you have been experiencing something similar during this time of death and new beginnings. I have also been waiting patiently, and sometimes not so patiently, for the new direction, the new work. Today I received a gentle nudge that things are beginning again, slowly.

The Magdalene has guided me today to begin a new cycle of “seed planting” for each of you who feel a connection with Mary Magdalene, The Divine Feminine, and The Order of the Blue Rose. This is an introductory class to The Order of the Blue Rose and the teachings of The Magdalene lineage.

The Magdalene speaks to each of us and invites us to join her in many ways, maybe you have always been drawn to Mary Magdalene, or have received messages from her in your dreams. You may have felt her indigo blue presence or have had a book synchronistically placed in your hands that speaks on the Divine Feminine. There are so many ways and knowings that bring you to an awareness that you are a Magdalene and carry the template of the Divine Feminine. Trust in this knowing, you carry dormant codes of light that are ready to be awakened at this time. You have agreed to embody and anchor The Feminine, the Heart of the Mother, into the earth at this time, to aid humanity in their awakening as Children of the Light.

I invite you to join us on 11/11 @ 11:00 a.m. EST to receive these teachings and seeds of light from The Magdalene. The class will be on Zoom, you can join us live in whatever time zone you are in or receive a recording of the class. All registrants will receive a recording. If you have taken this class before you are welcome to receive this transmission again, trust your own inner guidance.

The Magdalene has shared with me that there will be a new class that follows this introductory class in addition to a Level 1 Retreat beginning sometime in January, I’m waiting with patience and trust for this new course to form as she prepares and gathers each of you. If you are interested in preparing for the class and learning more about the teachings and the work that The Magdalene transmits through me, you can purchase my book, The Magdalene, Temple of the Divine Feminine on Amazon. It is a book I channeled and is light encoded to aid you in your awakening.

I’m looking forward to connecting with each of you. As always, there are scholarships available for any of these classes, please contact me by email if you have any questions.


Love and Peace


Mary Tobin